Meow 🐾

Have I told anyone before that I like cats? Yes, I like them, not love them. There are some cats that I don't like, like that one in our neighborhood. Anyway, my dream of owning a pet cat came true. Let me introduce them to you.

Puti & Batik

Recently, we adopted, not one, but two kitties. Where they came from is unknown. They just started meowing outside our house for a couple of days, as if asking permission from our other cats to live with them. We can only accommodate one cat and so my mom didn't want to adopt them initially. But these two kitties didn't want to stay without the other. So, they ended up living here together. Panda and Wus Wus had a hard time adjusting to live with them. After a few weeks though, they now look like a big happy family, with Wus Wus as their dad, Panda as their mom, and these two kitties.


She's a kitten that mum brought home from our old neighborhood. Mum wanted a female cat so much that she took this kitty away from her mum. (So bad...)  She was about 3 months old when she was brought to us. Dad named her Panda because of that black fur around her eye. If you would look closely though, there is like a white spot on her right eye. My brother said it's some kind of cataract, which is present on old cats. (Similar to humans!) She's a quiet cat, similar to was was, however what's irritating is that she shouts (instead of meows) in high pitch when she's hungry! She's not a year old yet but wus wus seems interested with her. She was brought to us the same time when wus wus was in heat, so he always follows her. In return, Panda will defend herself by showing her claws, scaring wus wus away. No other cat has done that to wus wus ever! Haha!

Wus Wus  

The baby in the family. He's the only kitten who survived, among all the batches of kittens Was Was has born. He's like his mom, he doesn't talk that much. he recently learned to ask for food. Haha! He likes to play with his mom, biting her, chasing her tail, it's really cute when Was Was and Wus Wus play with each other. He eats anything and everything, except bread. He only eats bread when he's really hungry. His mom has taught him hunting. He's a better hunter than his mom, I'd say. He had caught several poor birds, lizards, and cockroaches. Just this week, he brought home a rat he caught from our neighbor's house. He's selfish, he doesn't share his food with his mom. Oh, he's a bit camera shy too. Look at his pictures! He has to be held or else you wouldn't get a decent pic of him! Maybe my 弟弟 needs to teach him how to pose for the camera. Hahaha!

Wis Wis

I actually named him 飛飛, after Fahrenheit. He is the first cat that we had. He's actually "owned" by our neighbor. He just got lost in our house and decided to stay with us for the meantime since gets to eat three times a day during his stay. He likes to eat raw hotdogs and sausages. Since he was a male cat, there would be times when he won't go home for weeks. But when he returns, he'd either be bleeding, stabbed on his side, his leg fractured, etc. If only he could be forced to stay home. When we moved to a new house, we brought him along with us. However, he chose to return to our old house. I haven't seen him for a year now.

Was Was

The princess in the family! She's already two years old and the only female cat that we have. She's a daughter of wiswis. We had her when she was a newborn. (How her mother ended up gaving birth in our garage is still a mystery.) When she was young, she was really not that cute (until now actually), but she is photogenic, really! She was the most quiet kitty among all her siblings. She doesn't "talk" that much. She'll just meow when she's hungry (and when she's about to give birth.) She likes to "kiss" your foot whenever she asks for food. She likes to eat Julie's regular or special sliced bread, Gardenia loaf (the regular one), dried fish, Chippy, Piattos, Roller Coaster, Pringles, and other chichirya, corn on the cob, and sometimes, uncooked instant noodles. She only eats rice when you mix it with bagoong or patis. She likes to hunt fishes (we have a small pond), birds, lizards, butterflies, even cockroaches!!! There are no rats in our house, sorry. Oh, she caught a small snake twice, one was when she was on her third pregnancy and the other was just recently, around Feb 2014. Unfortunately she died on 2nd April 2014 due to unknown reasons. No, it couldn't be her age as she's only four years old. Too bad she has to live that short in this world.

PS: I would love to share everyone one of my favorite cat fight videos by waswas and wuswus

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