I have been wanting to make my own pizza, uniquely done with my favorite toppings. But I have no idea which goes with which, all I know is to eat, and am stupid when it comes to cooking and the like. When we had that make-your-own burger in A Plus, I totally do not know what I was doing. Haha!
We were supposed to spend the day in Enchanted Kingdom but it is exclusively opened for a particular company for their pahabol summer outing. So, we instead had dinner at Project Pie in Filinvest, Alabang.
The store's concept is very unique. You get to choose everything, except the pizza size I guess, I didn't bother asking. From the sauce, to cheese, meat and veggies, it's your pick! You also get to choose your own drink - and refill it thrice!
cheese and meat choices |
veggies choices |
choose your own drinks! |
Tadaa! We made it! Mary and I helped out in choosing everything. I will not forget kuya's face while we're choosing the toppings, he himself wonders how the pizza will taste like with this weird combination.
we call it: toppings pa more! |
Thinking this would be pricey? You're definitely wrong! The price isn't a turn off. I initially thought they charge per topping, but they don't. You'd probably spend around the same price in Greenwich or Shakey's.
When you drop by Alabang, don't forget to dine in Project Pie. They provide a different pizza experience.
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