Recently been unable to blog. I really missed writing on this site.
Last 3 weeks ago, my practice teaching started. I was so excited to teach!
Actually teaching is really fun. Most especially if you're already in front of the class, sharing to the students your knowledge.
And it's also rewarding to know that they learn something from you.
However, teaching is also tiring
physically, mentally, emotionally . . .
Whenever I got home, I've got loads of things to do.
Check my student's papers, stydy tomorrow's lesson, prepare lesson plans, instructional materials, etc. etc.
Really tiring lah!!!!
Usually finish everything around 12am or 1am.
Then must wake up at around 4:30am,
Must be at school before 7am,
and then classes starts at 7:30! Waaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
Really getting less and less sleep.
My head aches the whole day!!!!
Waaahhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm not really used to this!!!!
Last week I got a fever because of it.
Now I'm feeling what Arron and Fahrenheit are feeling now.
I wonder how they were able to stay happy and alive the whole day.
And of course, how they maintain their shuainess.
Less sleep means less beauty to me. Haha!!!!
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