
S.H.E - 天亮了

By xiaokhat - October 04, 2014

I promise this is going to be the last song I'm dedicating you.....

天亮了 天亮了 地球又轉一圈了
Tian liang le Tian liang le Di qiu you chuan yi quan le
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world has rotated once again
世界還 活生生地存在著
Shi jie hai Huo sheng sheng di cun zai zhe
The world is still living and existing
還活著 沒想到我還活著
Hai huo zhe Mei xiang dao wo hai huo zhe
Still living, never thought I would still live

穿越一場海嘯 甚麼滋味 我終於親身體會
Chuan yue yi chang hai xiao Shen me zi wei Wo zhong yu qin shen ti hui
How is it like going through a tsunami, I finally experienced it
天崩地裂 精疲力竭 靈魂不在身體裡面
Tian beng di lie Jing pi li jie Ling hun bu zai shen ti li mian
It's earth-shattering, it's exhausting, as if my soul is no longer inside me
然而萬歲萬歲 終於和你有個了結
Ran er wan sui wan sui Zhong yu he ni you ge liao jie
And long live (the fact) that I have finally ended (my relationship) with you

你一邊 我一邊 我們的世界最好别再重叠
Ni yi bian Wo yi bian Wo men de shi jie zui hao bie zai chong die
You are there, I am here, it is best that our worlds don't overlap
Ye bie zai hui xiang na ge tai chang tai chang de zuo tian
And never recall that long yesterday
太多愛 太多淚 別再這樣浪費
Tai duo ai Tai duo lei Bie zai zhe yang lang fei
Too much love, too much tears, do not just waste it like that

天亮了 天亮了 地球又轉一圈了
Tian liang le Tian liang le Di qiu you chuan yi quan le
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world has rotated once again
既然 我還幸運地活著
Jing ran Wo hai xing yun di huo zhe
Now that I am lucky to be still alive
當然要 全力以赴去快樂
Dang ran yao Quan li yi fu qu kuai le
Of course I will put all effort for happiness

天亮了 天亮了 世界還是好好的
Tian liang le Tian liang le Shi jie hai shi hao hao de
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world is still good
甚麼 痛都是很渺小的
Shen me Tong dou shi hen miao xiao de
Whatever pain is insignificant
看太陽 不是又升起來了
Kan tai yang Bu shi you sheng qi lai le
Wouldn't you get up when you see the sun?

結束一段感情 當然不像 搬個家那麼方便
Jie shu yi duan gan qing Dang ran bu xiang Ban ge jia na me fang bian
Of course, ending these feelings is not as easy as moving out
太多細節 太多碎片 堆在回憶那間房間
Tai duo xi jie Tai duo sui pian Dui zai hui yi na jian fang jian
Too many details, too many pieces piling up in my memory
但是忍耐一點 不去碰它就不危險
Dan shi ren nai yi dian Bu qu peng ta jiu bu wei xian
But when you control not to touch it, it will not be dangerous

你沒變 我沒變 我們到最後才弄懂這一點
Ni mei bian Wo mei bian Wo men dao zui hou cai nong dong zhe yi dian
You didn't change, I didn't change, we made a bit of sense until the end
Ren huo zhe bu jiu wei le shi xian yi ge ge xin yuan
Life is not to make every wish come true
好可惜 我和你 許了不同的願
Hao ke xi Wo he ni Xu le bu tong de yuan
What a pity that we had a different wish

天亮了 天亮了 地球又轉一圈了
Tian liang le Tian liang le Di qiu you chuan yi quan le
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world has rotated once again
既然 我還幸運地活著
Jing ran Wo hai xing yun di huo zhe
Now that I am lucky to be still alive
當然要 全力以赴去快樂
Dang ran yao Quan li yi fu qu kuai le
Of course I will put all effort for happiness

天亮了 天亮了 世界還是好好的
Tian liang le Tian liang le Shi jie hai shi hao hao de
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world is still good
甚麼 痛都是很渺小的
Shen me Tong dou shi hen miao xiao de
Whatever pain is insignificant
看太陽 不是又升起來了
Kan tai yang Bu shi you sheng qi lai le
Wouldn't you get up when you see the sun?

我的心是我的 不會再給你了
Wo de xin shi wo de Bu hui zai gei ni le
My heart is mine, I will not give it to you
我是我自己的 我很快樂
Wo shi wo zi ji de Wo hen kuai le
I am mine, I am happy

天亮了 天亮了 地球又轉一圈了
Tian liang le Tian liang le Di qiu you chuan yi quan le
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world has rotated once again
既然 我還幸運地活著
Jing ran Wo hai xing yun di huo zhe
Now that I am lucky to be still alive
當然要 全力以赴去快樂
Dang ran yao Quan li yi fu qu kuai le
Of course I will put all effort for happiness

天亮了 天亮了 世界還是好好的
Tian liang le Tian liang le Shi jie hai shi hao hao de
It's dawn, it's dawn, the world is still good
甚麼 痛都是很渺小的
Shen me Tong dou shi hen miao xiao de
Whatever pain is insignificant
看太陽 不是又升起來了
Kan tai yang Bu shi you sheng qi lai le
Wouldn't you get up when you see the sun?
pinyin lyrics and translation by me

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