
got my boyfriend today!

By xiaokhat - January 28, 2015

Thinking what boyfriend eh? Of course it's none other than the perfect lover, the absolute boyfriend, Nightly 01!! ❤

I got the CD from Asian Pop Weekly's giveaway last December which ended early January. I always join giveaways like this and only won twice. The first one was just a small giveaway in AF puddingland back in 2008.

I'm not really a fan of drama soundtracks although most of the songs that I really love are taken from different dramas. I just don't buy the CDs cos half of the track list is just instrumental, so I just rather download the song I really really like. But since Nightly 01 is my dream boyfriend, I thought I need him home, so I chose this CD over bb Anthony's first album. xD

What's inside?

Inside of course is the CD. It will always be present. The big, poster like thing is the credits sheet. Like, listed on the back are the name of the lyricist, composer, and the people who played the instruments whilst recording. On front are the drama character pics. Also included is Nightly 01's "Guidebook" or the mini photobook. The photos on the version that I got has the photos that I wanted! (Cos there are two versions of the soundtrack...) Inside the Guidebook are several blank pages which you could write on... Well, if you want to...

Now this is what surprised me the most. It's really cute of the APW admins to include a short and sweet note. The topic I sent them is Hebe related. If I recall right, the topic is about how CPOP affected you, and I shared how Hebe's songs affects me a lot, most especially during those times I am down. To be honest, 寂寞寂寞就好 still means a lot to me. I still feel my life is as bitter as that song.

Anyway, I can't let my boyfriend wait me that long. Nightly needs to know me more... (If you watched the drama, you'd know what I mean xD)

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