
Quarter-Life Adulting

By xiaokhat - July 28, 2016

Hi there!

My mind's been busy recently, thinking about a lot of stuff. Thinking about my life in general, things I should do with the spiritual, career, romance, social aspects of my life. I don't know. My life's a mess, really! It's surprising that people believe in me. I can't believe it myself either! The feeling's still surreal! If people started to believe in me, why can't I? I think I have to do that by starting to organize my life. Sometimes, life will just hit you and then realize you're already an adult. Adulting is really hard, believe me. I wish I had some crash course on this back in high school or in uni.

I know I need to make changes and it will include letting go of someone or something. What makes decision making difficult is that you have to consider other people. How would my decision affect them? What happens next? What is it for me?

Seriously, my head is going crazy!

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