
My Best Moment

By xiaokhat - December 11, 2017

December 9, 2017

I have always wanted to see my favorite artists perform live, Aaron Yan, S.H.E, Bii, but I either never had the chance or let it slip. So when the chance to see Bii live came, I immediately grabbed it. I have been saving up all my life but always felt it was never enough. This is one decision I hastily did but never regretted.

So fun to meet all these people who flew in to Taipei from different parts of the world just to see Bii ♥️♥️♥️

I got my tickets with the help of my longtime fangirlfriends, Rose and Zoe. Starting from Aaron's Fahrenheit days, fangirling in the AF forums 10 years ago, to tumblr, to switching fandoms (Bii) and fangirling in FB and twitter. I flew to Taipei alone, so I was relieved I'm meeting people I know. I admire how dedicated Zoe and Rose are with the fandom, doing all the logistics and giveaways for the group.

Taipei Arena

It felt surreal to be inside 小巨蛋, watching live. All my life I was just watching concerts on DVDs. This time, I'm part of it! It's... I'm speechless.

Bii's special guests

Few minutes before the show started, Bii's special guests stole the limelight. Dino, Ian, and Megan are the ones I recognize. Megan was there early, I told my seatmate that 雅妍姐 is there, but she didn't recognize her. On the leftmost side are Bii's 弟弟 and mom.

I didn't get VIP tickets but I still got good seats on the first floor. The heart I was holding contains instructions when to raise the banners (see behind me) and open the lights. (We got a small red LED light for the concert, not a lightstick.)

I love the colors on this photo.

The concert started with a bang. The opening VCR features a *topless* bii, highlighting his hotness 😍 BFs can't handle it already. The first song was Be Your Light. I wasn't able to count how many songs he performed for the first segment, but the news said it's six songs non-stop, before the next segment.

Be My Love. Can you find Bii?

During his first speech, he mentioned that it was his first time in Taipei Arena. He asked who amongst the crowd is also a first timer in the arena, a number of fans raised hands, including me of course! Then he said, "Thank you for giving me your first time." After a while he realized it sounded like something else and explained himself. It was a really funny and light part.

After this one song which I can't remember, Bii ripped his top before exiting the stage. It was a sudden move. None of us (among the people I know) were able to capture it on video. We really weren't that ready for it! We know Bii's going to strip, he promised that, but we didn't realize it was going to be that way. Ahh~ our hearts!

The store owner of the Korean restaurant he frequents to joked that Bii regretted stripping, realizing that it was too cold 😂

© Bii畢書盡 FB

The highlight of the concert required fan's participation. The middle photo, we were asked to open our phone's camera flash on one song. It was a great view when you're there. Bii was really touched with the banner thing. I can't read the words formed, I thought it was Korean. I read on the news that it's Cangjie. I guess I have to learn that as well.


For 你給我的愛, Bii played the piano while singing the song. I easily fall for guys who plays intruments and I loved Bii more because he plays the piano. He said that compared to playing the guitar, the piano makes him more emotional.

All in all, it was a great night. I didn't realize that three hours has passed until he asked us the time. 😂 That was when he was giving his credits speech. During encore, he asked us what song we wanted to hear, everyone was giving their own answers and he was like "What the heck are you all saying?!" Haha! It was only that time I realized he still hasn't performed a lot of songs yet but I could not decide which song I wanted to hear. In the end, he suggested I Will Miss You. Fans agreed, of course, anything from him will do!

It was really a long evening for me. It was fun meeting all the fangirls and Bii. I promise I will come back to see all the other artists I love.

S.H.E anyone?

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