
Train to Busan

By xiaokhat - September 10, 2016

I'm not a fan of zombie movies so watching Train to Busan is not really part of the itinerary that day. We planned to watch The Secret Life of Pets but it wasn't available at SM Southmall, so we decided to watch Train to Busan instead.

We arrived a bit late off the screening time so I missed the first minutes of the movie. The part we started was when a passing deer (I think) was bumped dead by a truck but after a while, the deer got up on its feet.

After the characters were introduced, the story started to build up. The virus spread quickly in the train that made me realize that no one would've survived if that happened at the MRT or LRT. (Yes, I understand those memes now! 😂) I can't help but shout to the characters what to do. I know it just annoyed people around me, but that was how affected I was with what I was watching.

Overall, the movie is good. It gets you hooked until the end that you'd actually ask for more. The effects were cleanly done that you'd actually think it was real. For the first time I wanted to wear white contacts. The people who get infected had their eyes turn white and I think that's cool. I just don't know if it's CGI or contact lenses.

The characters provided warmth in this cold-blooded setting. It felt refreshing to see humanity in a desparate situation, sacrificing their lives for the sake of others. It's like a wake up call to this selfish society like the businessman, who literally pushed others to their death just to save his ass. I really feel sorry to the pregnant woman, running here and there for her and her baby's life. Walking is already difficult for some pregnant women, what more is running! Good thing she did not give birth in the middle of the chaos or else, we'd have an infant zombie.

The most touching part for me is when the kid was singing the song for her father. The line, until we meet again, who would've thought it'd make the audience teary-eyed?

They said that the animated movie Seoul Station is a prequel for Train to Busan. I did some reading and found out that the two movies were part of the zombie trilogy the director wanted. Seoul Station was said to provide a bit of background as to how the virus spread although it was implied in Train to Busan that the main guy was unknowingly involved in "creating" the virus. I haven't watched Seoul Station but I think the girl who spread the virus in Train to Busan is one of the characters in Seoul Station. If it really is a trilogy, then expect that the next would be set in Busan, maybe centered around the kid looking for her mother. Whatever the story is for the third part, if ever, it should be equally or more intense than Train to Busan.

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