Aaron Yan - 這不是我

By xiaokhat - April 18, 2014

Roughly translated lyrics below

一整天 那麼累了 我還跑了 九十分鐘
Yi zheng tian Na me lei le Wo hai pao le Jiu shi fen zhong
I was tired all day as I ran for 90 minutes
這劇情 那麼沉重 我卻看到 差一點笑了
Zhe ju qing Na me chen chong Wo que kan dao Cha yi dian xiao le
This story is so heavy but when I have seen it, I almost smiled
家就在 下個路口 我怎麼了 還會走錯
Jia jiu zai Xia ge lu kou Wo zen me le Hai hui zou zuo
My house is just on the next street, how come I am still astray
聖誕節 過了多久 我還在過 情人節快樂
Sheng dan jie Guo le duo jiu Wo hai zai guo Qing ren jie kuai le
Christmas is long over, I am still celebrating a happy valentines

照理來說那時候 沒有誰我都能一個人生活
Zhao li lai shuo na shi hou Mei you shui wo dou neng yi ge ren sheng huo
Logically speaking, there is no one who can live alone
爲什麽在你走後 我卻變得 不像我
Wei shen me zai ni zou hou Wo que bian de Bu xiang wo
Why is it that after you left, I became not more like me

只不過聽到歌 眼就要紅
Zhi bu guo ting dao ge Yan jiu yao hong
It's just that I heard a song and my eyes are red
這不是我 一定不是我
Zhe bu shi wo Yi ding bu shi wo
This is not me, this must not be me
一想到你 心就要痛
Yi xiang dao ni Xin jiu yao tong
My heart hurts as I think of you
這不是我 我沒那麼弱
Zhe bu shi wo Wo mei na me ruo
This is not me, I am not that weak

Ai guo ying gai bian de chen shou
Love should change someone to be mature
和平的分手 應該是種收穫
He ping de fen shou Ying gai shi zhong shou huo
Peacefully breaking up should be like harvesting 緊握回憶要做什麽
Jin wo hui yi yao zuo shen me
Holding on to memories, what should I do?
這樣不能失去誰的人 不是我 喔
Zhe yang bu neng shi qu shei de ren Bu shi wo
This is a person who cannot let go, not me

天空海闊的盡頭 如果我終於能走過那斜坡
Tian kong hai kuo de jin tou Ru guo wo zhong yu neng zou guo de xie po
If I have finally walked along the the end of the vast sky and sea
像朋友那樣吻我 就算我已 不是我
Xiang peng you na yang wen wo Jiu suan wo yi Bu shi wo
Kissing me like a friend, even though I am not already not me

只不過聽到歌 眼就要紅
Zhi bu guo ting dao ge Yan jiu yao hong
It's just that I heard a song and my eyes are red
這不是我 一定不是我
Zhe bu shi wo Yi ding bu shi wo
This is not me, this must not be me
一想到你 心就要痛
Yi xiang dao ni Xin jiu yao tong
My heart hurts as I think of you
這不是我 我沒那麼弱
Zhe bu shi wo Wo mei na me ruo
This is not me, I am not that weak

Ai guo ying gai bian de chen shou
Love should change someone to be mature
和平的分手 應該是種收穫
He ping de fen shou Ying gai shi zhong shou huo
Peacefully breaking up should be like harvesting
Jin wo hui yi yao zuo shen me
Holding on to memories, what should I do?
這樣不能失去誰的人 不是我 喔
Zhe yang bu neng shi qu shei de ren Bu shi wo
This is a person who cannot let go, not me

只不過睡不著 淚就失控
Zhi bu guo shui bu zhao Lei jiu shi kong
It's just that I can't sleep as tears are flowing out of control
這不是我 一定不是我
Zhe bu shi wo Yi ding bu shi wo
This is not me, this must not be me
一想到你 人就要瘋
Yi xiang dao ni Ren jiu yao feng
I just become insane as I think of you
這不是我 我沒那麼弱
Zhe bu shi wo Wo mei na me ruo
This is not me, I am not that weak

Yuan ben wo yao huo da kuan rong
I used to be tolerant with optimism
Xue dao de zhi hui jie guo dou mei you yong
As I learnt to be wise, excuses are of no use
Pei shang zi you ye bu zheng tuo
Losing freedom does not mean breaking-free
這樣不懂愛自己的人 不是我 喔
Zhe yang bu dong ai zi ji de ren Bu shi wo
This is a person who does not understand and love himself, not me

妳最深愛的人 已不是我
Ni zui shen ai de ren Yi bu shi wo
The person you deeply love is no longer me
妳不捨的得人 已不是我
Ni bu she de de ren Yi bu shi wo
The person you can never let go is no longer me
妳最深愛的人 已不是我
Ni zui shen ai de ren Yi bu shi wo
The person you deeply love is no longer me
妳不捨的得人 已不是我
Ni bu she de de ren Yi bu shi wo
The person you can never let go is no longer me
pinyin lyrics and translation by me

Watch the 愛上兩個我 version of the MV here

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