Aaron Yan & G.NA - 二分之一

By xiaokhat - April 11, 2014

I was LSS with this song since Sunday and it sucks that I didn't know the lyrics and ended up humming the song instead xD

Below is the roughly translated lyrics

You mei you fa xian ling wai er fen zhi yi de wen rou
Have you noticed half of gentleness
在這距離中 在這目光中
Zai zhe ju li zhong Zai zhe mu guang zhong
With this distance and sight
I don’t want to lose your love
No matter how I try,I just can’t really read your mind
你有沒有愛過我 你有沒有愛過我 Oh baby
Ni you mei you ai guo wo Ni you mei you ai guo wo
Have you ever loved me? Have you ever loved me Oh baby

這兩個我都太不及格 各說一半的承諾
Zhe liang ge wo dou tai bu ji ge Ge shuo yi ban de cheng nuo
Both of me fails half each of a said promise
讓我全部對妳 浪漫地自首
Rang wo quan bu dui ni Lang man de zi shou
I surrender all for you romantically

Could you be the one I’m waiting for?
從我遇見你那天起 I lose myself in you completely
Cong wo yu jian ni na tian qi I lose myself in you completely
From the day I met you, I lose myself in you completely

一半天真 一半成熟 在我心中
Yi ban tian zhen Yi ban chen shou Zai wo xin zhong
My heart is half innocent, half mature
I really want to know,I really want to know
一半溫暖 一半冷漠 看在妳眼中
Yi ban wen nuan Yi ban leng mo Kan zai ni yan zhong
Looking in your eyes, half warm and half cold
讓我再看一眼 I wanna feel your true love
Rang wo zai kan yi yan I wanna feel your true love
Let me have a look, I wanna feel your true love

You mei you fa xian ling wai er fen zhi yi de wen rou
Have you noticed half of gentleness
在這距離中 在這目光中
Zai zhe ju li zhong Zai zhe mu guang zhong
With this distance and sight
I don’t want to lose your love

No matter how I try,I just can’t really read your mind
你有沒有愛過我 你有沒有愛過我 Oh baby
Ni you mei you ai guo wo Ni you mei you ai guo wo
Have you ever loved me? Have you ever loved me Oh baby

當那個我已忘了快樂 是妳笑容提醒我
Dang na ge wo yi wang le kuai le Shi ni xiao rong ti xing wo
When I forget happiness, your smile reminds me of it
Yao wo kan qing zi ji zui chu de lun kuo
Let me clearly see the initial contours

You’re the one I have been waiting for
當你陪在我的身邊 I see the brightest stars in the sky
Dang ni pei zai wo shen bian I see the brightest stars in the sky
When you are beside me, I see the brightest stars in the sky

一半天真 一半成熟 在我心中
Yi ban tian zhen Yi ban chen shou Zai wo xin zhong
My heart is half innocent, half mature
I really want to know,I really want to know
一半溫暖 一半冷漠 看在妳眼中
Yi ban wen nuan Yi ban leng mo Kan zai ni yan zhong
Looking in your eyes, half warm and half cold
讓我再看一眼 I wanna feel your true love
Rang wo zai kan yi yan I wanna feel your true love
Let me have a look, I wanna feel your true love

You mei you fa xian ling wai er fen zhi yi de wen rou
Have you noticed half of gentleness
在這距離中 在這目光中
Zai zhe ju li zhong Zai zhe mu guang zhong With this distance and sight
I don’t want to lose your love

No matter how I try,I just can’t really read your mind
你有沒有愛過我 你有沒有愛過我 Oh baby
Ni you mei you ai guo wo Ni you mei you ai guo wo
Have you ever loved me? Have you ever loved me Oh baby

妳讓那一半的我 找回這一半的我
Ni rang na yi ban de wo Zhao hui zhe yi ban de wo
You let that half of me find this half of me

For all the times that I felt I’ve been all alone
Cause love takes two, you better show me your heart, baby

You mei you fa xian ling wai er fen zhi yi de wen rou
Have you noticed half of gentleness
在這距離中 在這目光中
Zai zhe ju li zhong Zai zhe mu guang zhong
With this distance and sight
I don’t want to lose your love

No matter how I try,I just can’t really read your mind
你有沒有愛過我 你有沒有愛過我 Oh baby
Ni you mei you ai guo wo Ni you mei you ai guo wo
Have you ever loved me? Have you ever loved me Oh baby
pinyin lyrics and translation by me

Official MV

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