Dream Girls - 聽你說

By xiaokhat - July 30, 2014

I was LSS with this song since Sunday, finally found the lyrics!

Rough translation below

花瓣飛舞 夢在倒數 忍著不哭
Hua ban fei wu   Meng zai dao shu   Ren zhe bu ku
Petals flying around as I count down to my dream, I cannot help but cry
明天就要 緊緊握住 我的幸福
Ming tian jiu yao   Jin jin wo zhu   Wo de xing fu
Tomorrow I have to firmly grasp on my happiness

已經習慣 自己散步
Yi jing xi guan   Zi ji san bu
I am already used to stroll alone
遇見了你 心散了霧
Yu jian le ni   Xin san le wu
Meeting you, my heart was loose as fog
被你愛著 如此滿足 不再孤獨
Bei ni ai zhe   Ru ci man zu   Bu zai gu du
Being love by you is enough for me not to be lonely

我想 聽你說浪漫的未來 感動的對白
Wo xiang   Ting ni shuo lang man de wei lai   Gan dong de dui bai
I want to hear you say a romantic future, a touching dialogue
一起去看海 日出之前說我愛你
Yi qi qu kan hai   Ri chu zhi qian shuo wo ai ni
Looking at the sea together, saying I love you before the sun rises
聽你說一輩子的愛 永遠不分開
Ting ni shuo yi bei zi de ai   Yong yuan bu fen kai
Hear you say that our love is for a lifetime, never to be separated
心不再搖擺 你給的愛沒人能替代
Xin bu zai yao bai   Ni gei de ai mei ren neng ti dai
My heart will not sway, no one can replace the love you give

白色教堂 掛滿祝福 都是禮物
Bai se jiao tang   Gua man zhu fu   Dou shi li wu
The white church is filled of blessings and gifts
牽引著我 一步一步 走向幸福
Qian yin zhe wo   Yi bu yi bu   Zou xiang xing fu
Drawing me step by step towards happiness

也曾害怕 一個人住
Ye ceng hai pa   Yi ge ren zhu
I once fear living alone
感謝有你 聽我傾訴
Gan xie you ni   Ting wo qing su
I am thankful to have you listen to me pour out (my heart)
未來換我 為你朗讀 愛這本書
Wei lai huan wo   Wei ni lang du   Ai zhe ben shu
In the future, let me read out this book of love

我想 聽你說浪漫的未來 感動的對白
Wo xiang   Ting ni shuo lang man de wei lai   Gan dong de dui bai
I want to hear you say a romantic future, a touching dialogue
一起去看海 日出之前說我願意
Yi qi qu kan hai   Ri chu zhi qian shuo wo yuan yi
Looking at the sea together, saying I do before the sun rises
聽你說現在到未來 都會有你在
Ting ni shuo xian zai dao wei lai   Dou hui you ni zai
Hear you say that you will be here now until in the future
心不再搖擺 你給的愛沒人能替代
Xin bu zai yao bai   Ni gei de ai mei ren neng ti dai
My heart will not sway, no one can replace the love you give

喔 一輩子的承諾
Oh   Yi bei zi de cheng nuo
Oh    A promise of a lifetime
不再害怕 勇敢去愛吧
Bu zai hai pa   Yong gan qu ai ba
Do not be afraid, bravely go for love

我想 聽你說浪漫的未來 感動的對白
Wo xiang   Ting ni shuo lang man de wei lai   Gan dong de dui bai
I want to hear you say a romantic future, a touching dialogue
我願意為你 活得更精彩
Wo yuan yi wei ni   Huo de geng jing cai
I am willing to live more wonderfully for you
聽你說每一刻夢想期待 只為愛存在
Ting ni shuo mei yi ke meng xiang qi dai   Zhi wei ai cun zai
Hear you say every dream we anticipated only exists for love
你給我的愛 握在手中永遠不放開
Ni gei wo de ai   Wo zai shou zhong yong yuan bu fang kai
The love you give are in my hands and never to let go
pinyin lyrics and translation by me

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