Amber An - 在一起

By xiaokhat - October 19, 2014

The cutest song from Amber, ever! The lyrics are simple, the music is relaxing. I never expected a song like this from her. I was just a bit disappointed with the MV. Yes the story is, somewhat cute, but, the guy is… disturbing! haha!

Lyrics below....
dedicating this song to my ♡

要在一起 就在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Jiu zai yi qi
I want to be with you, just be with you
怎樣都好 我陪你
Zen yang dou hao   Wo pei ni
Just being with you like this is already good
要在一起 想在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Xiang zai yi qi
I want to be with you, to be with you
就這樣 賴著你
Jiu zhe yang   Lai zhe ni
To rely on you like this

Shuo bu wan de hua ti dian ying he shi ji
We have a lot to talk about movies and poetry
Ni yan jing de mi mi bian cheng le feng jing
The secret in your eyes has become picturesque

天布滿烏雲 心卻放棄
Tian bu man wu yun   Xin que fang qi
The sky is filled with dark clouds, yet my heart gives up
有了你世界 不孤寂
You le ni shi jie   Bu gu ji
A world with you is not lonely

要在一起 就在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Jiu zai yi qi
I want to be with you, just be with you
怎樣都好 我陪你
Zen yang dou hao   Wo pei ni
Just being with you like this is already good
要在一起 想在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Xiang zai yi qi
I want to be with you, to be with you
就這樣 賴著你
Jiu zhe yang   Lai zhe ni
To rely on you like this

Kan tian kong de xing xing jiang luo zai hai li
Looking at the stars in the sky fall to the seas
Xiang he ni yong you zui lang man de hui yi
I want to have the most romantic memory with you

喔眼淚在滴 全都怪你
Oh yan lei zai di   Quan dou guai ni
Oh my tears fall down because of you
就快點把 我抱緊
Jiu kuai dian ba   Wo bao jin
Be quick a bit and hug me

要在一起 就在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Jiu zai yi qi
I want to be with you, just be with you
怎樣都好 我陪你
Zen yang dou hao   Wo pei ni
Just being with you like this is already good
要在一起 想在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Xiang zai yi qi
I want to be with you, to be with you
就這樣 賴著你
Jiu zhe yang   Lai zhe ni
To rely on you like this

要在一起 就在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Jiu zai yi qi
I want to be with you, just be with you
怎樣都好 我陪你
Zen yang dou hao   Wo pei ni
Just being with you like this is already good
要在一起 想在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Xiang zai yi qi
I want to be with you, to be with you
就這樣 賴著你
Jiu zhe yang   Lai zhe ni
To rely on you like this

要在一起 就在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Jiu zai yi qi
I want to be with you, just be with you
瘋狂冒險 我陪你
Feng kuang mao xian   Wo pei ni
I want to be with you on your crazy adventure
要在一起 想在一起
Yao zai yi qi   Xiang zai yi qi
I want to be with you, to be with you
就這樣 愛著你
Jiu zhe yang   Ai zhe ni
To love you like this
Zai yi qi
Be with you
pinyin lyrics and translation by me

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