Yeng Constantino - Ikaw (Mandarin version)

By xiaokhat - March 10, 2016

This is one good chinese cover! Compared to Kim's Crazy Love chinese cover, Yeng's Ikaw is not just a mere translation of the original tagalog song. The lyrics are all new, which makes it an all-new song. It's just funny how people on youtube react on "lao lao" and "yi miao". It would've been better if they posted an official translation.

And because there is no official translation yet, here's my rough translation. Feel free to share, just don't forget to link back to my blog.

想靠近你 想永遠住在你心裡
Xiang kao jin ni   Xiang yong yuan zhu zai ni xin li
I want to be near you, I want to live in your heart forever
Gen sui ni de mei ge hu xi
Follow your every breath
透過你的眼睛 看著同樣的風景
Tuo guo ni de yan qing   Kan zhe tong yang de feng jing
Look at the same scenery through your eyes

Shu du ni mei yi ge biao qing
Be familiar with your every expression
Tie jin ni mei yi ge xin qing
Be close to your every mood
在我們的世界裡 相互感應
Zai wo men de shi jie li   Xiang hu gan ying
It's a mutual response in our world

依靠 願做你唯一的依靠
Yi kao   Yuan zuo ni wei yi de yi kao
Reliance, I'm willing to be your only reliance
我們的愛情會 守護到老
Wo men de ai qing hui   Shou hu dao lao
Our love will be guarded until we become old
緊緊牢牢 不會那麼輕易動搖
Jin jin lao lao   Bu hui na me qing yi dong yao
Tightly held, will not easily be shaken

Wo men shuo ding le mei yi miao
We promised that each second
Dou yao yi qi qu gan sou
Has to be felt together
溫熱心跳 無盡美好
Wen re xin tiao   Wu jin mei hao
A warm heart, endless beauty
Zhe shi wo men ai qing de yu gao
This is a preview of our love

想靠近你 想永遠住在你心裡
Xiang kao jin ni   Xiang yong yuan zhu zai ni xin li
I want to be near you, I want to live in your heart forever
Gen sui ni de mei ge hu xi
Follow your every breath
透過你的眼睛 看著同樣的風景
Tuo guo ni de yan qing   Kan zhe tong yang de feng jing
Look at the same scenery through your eyes

Shu du ni mei yi ge biao qing
Be familiar with your every expression
Tie jin ni mei yi ge xin qing
Be close to your every mood
在我們的世界裡 相互感應
Zai wo men de shi jie li   Xiang hu gan ying
It's a mutual response in our world

依靠 願做你唯一的依靠
Yi kao   Yuan zuo ni wei yi de yi kao
Reliance, I'm willing to be your only reliance
我們的愛情會 守護到老
Wo men de ai qing hui   Shou hu dao lao
Our love will be guarding until we become old
緊緊牢牢 不會那麼輕易動搖
Jin jin lao lao   Bu hui na me qing yi dong yao
Tightly held, will not easily be shaken

Wo men shuo ding le mei yi miao
We promised that each second
Dou yao yi qi qu gan sou
Has to be felt together
溫熱心跳 無盡美好
Wen re xin tiao   Wu jin mei hao
A warm heart, endless beauty
Zhe shi wo men ai qing de yu gao
This is a preview of our love

天旋地轉 日月更換
Tian xuan di zhuan   Ri yue geng huan
The earth spinned, the sun and moon changed
時間反轉 歲月依然
Shi jian fan zhuan   Sui yue yi ran
Time has reversed, the years remained the same
我們的愛在風中 呼喚
Wo men de ai zai feng zhong   Hu huan
Our love will call amidst the wind

依靠 願做你唯一的依靠
Yi kao   Yuan zuo ni wei yi de yi kao
Reliance, I'm willing to be your only reliance
我們的愛情會 守護到老
Wo men de ai qing hui   Shou hu dao lao
Our love will be guarding until we become old
緊緊牢牢 不會那麼輕易動搖
Jin jin lao lao   Bu hui na me qing yi dong yao
Tightly held, will not easily be shaken

Wo men shuo ding le mei yi miao
We promised that each second
Dou yao yi qi qu gan sou
Has to be felt together
溫熱心跳 無盡美好
Wen re xin tiao   Wu jin mei hao
A warm heart, endless beauty
Zhe shi wo men ai qing de yu gao
This is a preview of our love

我們的愛情會 守護到老
Wo men de ai qing hui   Shou hu dao lao
Our love will be guarding until we become old
緊緊牢牢 不會那麼輕易動搖
Jin jin lao lao   Bu hui na me qing yi dong yao
Tightly held, will not easily be shaken

Wo men shuo ding le mei yi miao
We promised that each second
Dou yao yi qi qu gan sou
Has to be felt together
溫熱心跳 無盡美好
Wen re xin tiao   Wu jin mei hao
A warm heart, endless beauty
Zhe shi wo men ai qing de yu gao
This is a preview of our love

Ni shi wo de yi kao
You are my reliance
Pinyin and english translation by me
Edited: 2016.06.30

PS: Yeng's voice sounds fitting for CPOP songs! Looking forward to her chinese covers in the future!

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  1. Hi. Good day! Can you help me translate my song to mandarin pinyin?

    1. Sure! Send me the lyrics on FB :)

    2. Me too pls if you recieved the lyrics , copy it and send it to me in fb ok plz :)


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