Starbucks 2017 Planner

By xiaokhat - November 18, 2016

Been collecting Starbucks planners for the last 6 years, of course this year is no exception. Come November every year, the drill is always the same, drown myself in coffee to complete those 18 stickers, then I'd get the planner.

But of course I really can't afford all those 18 cups of coffee in three weeks. I always have to ask someone to collect stickers for me or else I won't get the planner I want.

I never liked SB's holiday flavors, most especially Peppermint Mocha. Not a fan of peppermint. Toffee Nut Latte is the only holiday flavor my taste buds like so I really can't complete those 18 stickers that quick. This year is an exception though. I love the Santa Hat Dark Mocha frap! I think I could get a second planner this time!

Two designs were released this year, the blue siren and coffeenstains. Both looked pretty and chic, but the aqua, teal, and jade hues of the siren cover caught my eye, and so I got it!

So, what's in the box?

Whether you got the Siren or the coffee-stained cover, you get the same set: planner, artsy stickers, espresso magnetic bookmark, an erasable pen (similar with Pilot's Frixion pens), and a pouch. The only difference is the design for the stickers and pouch as both should match the planner cover.

Starbucks Philippines said that the planner it's designed to encourage someone to unleash their creativity. The monthly cover pages all comes with instructions to be crafty, use their imagination, and share what they did on social media using the hashtags suggested. (Really good marketing idea!) The photo above is one of the easiests, just order your favorite drink in a for-here mug, put it on top of the planner, (make sure it's within the broken lines) put your hand on the other side of the mug, then snap! Don't forget to share!

What do I use my planner for? Usually as a diary. I'm not really someone who plans out for the month or for the year, although I do for the day at times. I don't write my thoughts that often anymore as they're usually in social media, but there are still some things that I cannot share with everyone and that's where my planner comes in.

What about you? What do you use your planner for?

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