My photography blog

By xiaokhat - August 03, 2017


I haven't blogged about something personal recently.

I want to share to everyone my new blog, it's called katshots.

It's one related to photography.

Photography is one of my interests and frustrations, and I think I found the perfect place to share some of my best shots.

While Blogger is dedicated to longer and text rich posts, my new Tumblr blog will be dedicated to just photos I snapped and a bit of back story about it.

I wanted photography to be my hobby, but I really can't understand how to use a DSLR! A point-and-shoot camera has since become my best friend. Most of the time, it's my Xperia I use to capture those moments.

I am nowhere near an expert, so don't expect me to share tips and tricks to improve your photos. I cannot even perfect my instagram theme 😂

Feel free to browse. 😀

Here's how it looks like:

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