
For You - 流星花園 2018 OST

By xiaokhat - August 20, 2018

左顧右盼 像個小孩
Zuo guo you pan  Xiang ge xiao hai
Looking left and right just like a child
此刻心跳妳明不明白 沒了節拍
Ci ke xin tiao ni ming bu ming bai   Mei le jie pai
You don't understand my heartbeat this moment, there was no rhythm
妳走了過來  太好看
Ni zou de guo lai   Tai hao kan
You walked past me looking really good
Lian yi ke dou wu fa cong ming shen shang yi kai
I can’t move away from my body for a moment.

Wei ni wo pin ming shua shuai
For you, I'm desperate to be handsome
Wei ni wo bu zai deng dai
For you, I can't wait
為妳拋棄 任何事情 只求妳愛
Wei ni pao qi   Ren he shi qing   Zhi qiu ni ai
For you, I will leave everything just to ask for your love

For you~~ For you~~
Gei ni quan bu wen rou
I will give you all gentleness
陪著妳走 在妳左右
Pei zhe ni zou   Zai ni zuo you
Stay with you, always around you
Bu guan ren he shi hou hui tou
It doesn't matter if anyone looks back
For you~~
Gei ni zheng ge yu zhou
I will give you the whole universe

Zhi wei ni fu tang dao huo
For you, I'm not afraid of any difficulties
願與妳共白頭 像著了魔
Yuan yu ni gong bai tou   Xiang zhe le mo
I wish that our hairs both turn white like magic

我愛亂猜 脾氣也壞
Wo ai luan cai   Pi qi ye huai
I love trouble, my temper is also bad
Que yuan yi wei ni gai diao suo you de huai xi guan
But I'm willing to change all bad habits

最特別的女孩  就算吵架也離不開
Zui te bie de nu hai   Jiu suan chao jia ye li bu kai
My special girl, even if we fight I will not leave you
Jiu xiang ming zhong zhu ding wo men yao zai yi guai
Seems like fate wants us to be one

For you~~ For you~~
Dui ni hao qu bao liu
I have nothing to keep from you
什麼都說 陪妳做夢
Shen me dou shuo   Pei ni zuo meng
I will tell you anything, dream with you
Cong ci ni bu zai you ji mo
You will never be lonely
For you~~
Ni de xin jiao gei wo
Give me your heart

每個片段 只要妳在
Mei ge pian duan   Zhi yao ni zai
For every part as long as you were there
Bu hui fang guo ren he xiao rong quan ji zai nao hai
I will not let go of any smiles that are in my mind

被妳霸佔 所有的愛
Bei ni ba zhan   Suo you de ai
You seized all my love
Mei ge hu xi dou shi wei le ai ni er cun zai
All of my breath exists for you

For you~~ For you~~
Gei ni quan bu wen rou
I will give you all gentleness
眼神交錯 我就能懂
Yan shen jiao zuo   Wo jiu neng dong
When our eyes locked, I understand
Bu xu yao zau duo shuo xie shen me
No need to say anything else
For you~~
Zhai xia zheng piang xing kong
To take off this piece of starry sky

pinyin lyrics and translation by me

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