Collecting Memories

By xiaokhat - September 04, 2019

What's the best way to collect memories other than collecting pictures?

I have always wanted an Instax camera way back when it became popular, but the price of the films have always set me back. It was only last year that I have decided I will get an Instax camera for myself and start getting into instant photography and scrapbooking!

I love how convenient Instax is. Watching your photos develop right in front of your eyes is amazing. It's also cool that these Instax photos are the perfect scrapbook photos. The nostalgia this gives is also an added fun factor, which is why I love these.

I love the features my Instax has. The one I got from Instaxtic is the Mini Neo 90, considered the high end version of all the Instax minis because of its various features. Tbh, I haven't really mastered using this camera, nor used all of its features. I'm still at this point where I'm learning how to use it in various settings. So far, I can confidently say that I can master outdoor landscape shots, the others, it's still a bit of a learning experience.

That, I think is the downside of instant photography in general. Because you have no idea how the photos will look like, you kind of waste an incredible amount of films and money in the process, and I think this is why most people I know who own an Instax stopped using it.

Right now, I've started this life scrapbook for myself. I brought my Instax camera during my recent trip to Cebu and captured some nice photos. I've also started bringing my Instax along with me when I go out somewhere and try to document small things that happened that day.

To end this blog, I want to share everyone some of the shots I had with my Instax Mini Neo 90.


2018.11.25 - the bride squad

The scrapbook for the bride

2019.03.16 - Matabungkay beach

2019.05.29 - team's despedida for Iane...
Two of the failed shots we had that day

May 2019 Cebu trip

2019.07.20 - Manila Bay

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