What I want to tell my 20-year-old self

By xiaokhat - January 22, 2020

- Traveling alone is the best, do it often

- Go ahead and book that flight. Aaron will never have another concert after Insomnia

- S.H.E will disband. Go see them in SG!

- Technology is a waste of money. INVEST IT

- Invest in a good skincare routine. Your pores will start acting up when you're nearing 30.

- You will never feel like a qualified adult

- You will mess things up, but it's okay

- Choose your battles wisely

- The right person is not to be chased

- Some people are not worth the effort

- Don't feel pressured with the expectations around you

- You cannot please everyone. Don't mind them.

- You will be drowned by negative thoughts but don't give up

- You will miss your 18 year-old-self. Don't change.

I have lots and lots of things to tell my 20 year old self but I guess we'll keep it at that for now. I have a lot of things to regret in my twenties. This time, I want to change it. I want to live my life with no regrets.

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