
How I survived 100 days of quarantine

By xiaokhat - July 03, 2020

Hey there,

How's post-quarantine life doing? Are you getting adjusted to the new normal? I'm starting to get crazy bored. I got to keep a routine thanks to being able to work from home. 

Here are some of the series that kept me sane during the quarantine period. 

Need some awesome, wholesome content? Josh and Ollie got you covered! With KE and Jolly, you can:
  • Learn Korean with Ollie
  • Watch funny meme reactions
  • Get deep reviews from Rev Chris
  • Find out the best snack in the world
And many more crazy quarantine stuff. Make sure you subscribe to both channels!

The Return of Superman

My favorite staple! My week is not complete without 120 and battery. My other favorites are JamHao and the RaRa sisters (who I don't see often). The show is full of cuteness that you forget all the stress you had the whole week. I miss my ultimate fave siblings, Eden and Aciel, though. 

Hyori's Homestay

I initially watched this show because of IU but eventually, I started liking the show. Its quiet, slow, plain, peaceful setting seemed boring but is actually calming and healing. You can even do yoga with Hyori as she teaches/does yoga with guests from time to time. I also got to learn a couple of breakfast recipes that we tried at home.

Crash Landing on You

I don't actually want to include this series in the list but the friendship of Seri and these NK soldiers are so pure that I have decided to include them anyway. I can't believe I watched it twice, the second time with my mom when she finally gave in to me when I nag her to watch CLOY. 

My favorite scenes are when the NK guys are in SK and are super innocent with everything! They are just so pure and cute most especially Pyo Chi Su! 

Itaewon Class

I started watching this during the start of the ECQ and finished it after a week. More than a revenge story, it touched subjects that are hardly seen on mainstream TV: racism, discrimination, even May-December love affairs. I'm kind of torned on the ending. I feel bad for Soo-Ah who wasted 15 years, waiting yet I love how Jo Yi Seo helped Saeroyi to become the man he became in the end. The saying, "Behind every successful man, there is a strong woman" is perfect to the IC couple.

Hi Bye, Mama!

Korea really does a better job in making non-horror ghost-themed shows. Cha Yuri who has been dead for 5 years comes back to life and was tasked to go back to where she was supposed to be within 49 days or else she is forever gone. I was hoping for Yuri to continue living as she deserves it, but she was given a realistic ending. I think the series wants to tell us that a mother's love is so strong that it can bring the dead back.

Hospital Playlist

I remember my mom asking me for a kdrama recommendation and I told her to watch HP. When she asked what it was about, I could not answer her. Because the series has no plot, and I think that's the charm of it. Watching HP is more like being introduced to this barkada of doctors who have been friends for 20 years, then by the end of the series, you feel like you become part of their barkada. 

I love the songs that the band played. The cast actually named their band Mido and Parasol, if you are curious. If you miss the cast so much, go listen to them on Spotify.

Prison Playbook

This is one good drama as well! I watched this after I finished Hospital Playlist. Even though the series is set in the prison, it wasn't that violent or gruesome. I can't believe I'd get attached to the characters like them. You'd see how the characters have changed throughout the series. The character I was disappointed the most though was Han Yang. All his efforts went down the drain just as soon as he got out of the prison. It was a realistic ending for him though. Crony is the character with the biggest twist. It's just amazing how Je Hyuk was able to handle him. 

I can literally go on how much I love this series that I think I should do it on a separate post, but seriously, watch this.

While writing this entry, I realized how much content I have consumed during quarantine that the list might seem endless.

What about you, how did you survive the quarantine where you live?

This post was supposed to be published on quarantine day 32.

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