
S.H.E - 戀人未滿

By xiaokhat - September 11, 2014

This song, even though was released 13 years ago, still and will hold a special place in my heart. This is one of the first songs that brought me to S.H.E. No matter how many years will pass, this song will still be one of my favorites.

Lyrics below:

為什麼只和你能聊一整夜 為什麼才道別就又想再見面
Wei shen me zhi he ni neng liao yi zheng ye     Wei shen me cai dao bie jiu you xiang jian mian
Why is it that it was only with you I can chat the whole night? Why is it that I want to see you when we just said our goodbyes
在朋友裡面 就數你最特別 總讓我覺得很親很貼
Zai peng you li mian   Jiu shu ni zui te bie   Cong rang wo jue de hen qin hen tie
Between our friends, you are the most special, making me feel good and sweet

為什麼你在意誰陪我逛街 為什麼你擔心誰對我放電
Wei shen me ni zai yi shui pei wo guang jie   Wei shen me ni dan xin shui dui wo fang dian
Why do you care who window shops with me? Why do you worry who shows interest in me?
你說你對我 比別人多一些 卻又不說是多哪一些
Ni shuo ni dui wo   Bi bie ren duo yi xie   Que you bu shuo shi duo na yi xie
You said you treat me better than others, yet you do not tell me what the difference is

友達以上 戀人未滿 甜蜜心煩 愉悅混亂
You da yi shang     Lian ren wei man     Tian mi xin fan   Yu yue hun luan
More than friends but not yet lovers, the sweetness is upsetting, the happiness is confusing
我們以後 會變怎樣 我迫不及待想知道答案
Wo men yi hou     Hui bian zen yang   Wo po bi ji dai xiang zhi dao da an
What will be like afterwards? I cannot wait to know the answer

再靠近一點點 就讓你牽手 再勇敢一點點 我就跟你走
Zai kao jin yi dian dian     Jiu ran ni qian shou   Zai yong gan yi dian dian   Wo jiu gen ni zou
Just a little closer then we can hold hands, just a little braver and I'll go with you
你還等什麼 時間已經不多 再下去 只好只做朋友
Ni hai deng shen me     Shi jian yi jing bu duo   Zai xia qu   Zhi hao zhi zuo peng you
What are you waiting for? The time is not enough. If you go on like this, we will remain friends

再向前一點點 我就會點頭 再衝動一點點 我就不閃躲
Zai xiang qian yi dian dian   Wo jiu hui dian tou     Zai chong dong yi dian dian     Wo jiu bu shan duo
Just move forward a little and I will agree, Just be more aggressive and I will not be shy
不過三個字 別猶豫這麼久 只要你說出口 你就能擁有我
Bu guo san ge zi  Bie you yu zhe me jiu   Zhi yao ni shuo chu kou   Ni jiu neng yong you wo
But there are three words, don't hesitate to say it. As long as you say it then you can have me

為什麼你寂寞只想要我陪 為什麼我難過只肯讓你安慰
Wei shen me ni ji mo zhi xiang yao wo pei     Wei shen me wo nan guo zhi ken rang ni an wei
Why is it you only want me to be with you when you are sad? Why is it only you can comfort me when I am down
我們心裡面 明明都有感覺 為什麼不敢面對
Wo men xin li mian   Ming ming dou you gan jue   Wei shen me bu gan mian dui
Our hearts obviously have feelings for each others, why do you not have the courage to face it?

友達以上 戀人未滿 甜蜜心煩 愉悅混亂
You da yi shang     Lian ren wei man     Tian mi xin fan   Yu yue hun luan
More than friends but not yet lovers, the sweetness is upsetting, the happiness is confusing
我們以後 會變怎樣 我迫不及待想知道答案
Wo men yi hou     Hui bian zen yang   Wo po bi ji dai xiang zhi dao da an
What will be like afterwards? I cannot wait to know the answer

再靠近一點點 就讓你牽手 再勇敢一點點 我就跟你走
Zai kao jin yi dian dian     Jiu ran ni qian shou   Zai yong gan yi dian dian   Wo jiu gen ni zou
Just a little closer then we can hold hands, just a little braver and I'll go with you
你還等什麼 時間已經不多 再下去 只好只做朋友
Ni hai deng shen me     Shi jian yi jing bu duo   Zai xia qu   Zhi hao zhi zuo peng you
What are you waiting for? The time is not enough. If you go on like this, we will remain friends

再向前一點點 我就會點頭 再衝動一點點 我就不閃躲
Zai xiang qian yi dian dian   Wo jiu hui dian tou     Zai chong dong yi dian dian     Wo jiu bu shan duo
Just move forward a little and I will agree, Just be more aggressive and I will not be shy
不過三個字 別猶豫這麼久 只要你說出口 你就能擁有我
Bu guo san ge zi  Bie you yu zhe me jiu   Zhi yao ni shuo chu kou   Ni jiu neng yong you wo
But there are three words, don't hesitate to say it. As long as you say it then you can have me

我不相信 都動了感情卻到不了 愛情
Wo bu xiang xin     Dou dong le gan qing que dao bi liao   Ai qing
I don not believe that these touching emotions is not love
那麼貼心卻進不了 心底
Na me tie xin que jin bu liao   Xin di
We are so close yet it doesn't reach the heart
你能不能快一點決定 對我說我愛你
Ni neng bu neng kuai yi dian jue ding   Dui wo shuo wo ai ni
Can you decide a little faster, just tell me I love you

再靠近一點點 就讓你牽手 再勇敢一點點 我就跟你走
Zai kao jin yi dian dian     Jiu ran ni qian shou   Zai yong gan yi dian dian   Wo jiu gen ni zou
Just a little closer then we can hold hands, just a little braver and I'll go with you
你還等什麼 時間已經不多 再下去 只好只做朋友
Ni hai deng shen me     Shi jian yi jing bu duo   Zai xia qu   Zhi hao zhi zuo peng you
What are you waiting for? The time is not enough. If you go on like this, we will remain friends

再向前一點點 我就會點頭 再衝動一點點 我就不閃躲
Zai xiang qian yi dian dian   Wo jiu hui dian tou     Zai chong dong yi dian dian     Wo jiu bu shan duo
Just move forward a little and I will agree, Just be more aggressive and I will not be shy
不過三個字 別猶豫這麼久 只要你說出口 你就能擁有我
Bu guo san ge zi  Bie you yu zhe me jiu   Zhi yao ni shuo chu kou   Ni jiu neng yong you wo
But there are three words, don't hesitate to say it. As long as you say it then you can have me

只要你說出口 你就能擁有我
Zhi yao ni shuo chu kou   Ni jiu neng yong you wo
As long as you say it then you can have me
pinyin lyrics and translation by me

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