
10 fave songs by Fahrenheit

By xiaokhat - September 15, 2016

飛輪仔 versus 飛輪海

15th September 2016
Fahrenheit's first album was released.

10 years have already passed. In a blink of an eye, a lot of things happened and changed. They may have stopped making music together but those mini-reunions that they do, whether in public or in private, always makes feifans hearts flutter.

Below are my 10 fave songs from FRH. Please don't ask me to rank them according to my most to least favorite because I know I can't.

1. 我有我的Young

The first song from the first album!

I first heard this song from Hana Kimi. The melody is catchy that I immediately downloaded it to my then F4-infected mp3 player. I love this song as this si very lively and upbeat. For me, this song is written especially for them as it's about the four seasons.

2. 新窩

This is the cutest song ever! It has the cutest MV too! I love this collab between S.H.E and FRH ❤

3. 越來越愛

My favorite song from my favorite album. The album was released when I was just starting to fangirl. This album is also the first one I had from FRH, and it was a signed copy! I'm so grateful to my 姐姐s who helped me then. They made me love FRH more and more ❤❤❤

4. 超喜歡你

Ahh, another song from Hana Kimi! I can't help but smile whenever I listen to this song. Every time I I hear this song, flashbacks of 秀伊's crazy antics play in my head as well, thus the smile on my face. 

5. 守護星 

I love this song because FRH "dedicated" this song to their fans when the 4th albun was released. They called fans their "guardian stars" that's why the MV is as touching as that.

6. 繼續愛

This song... I always feel that this was written for FRH. It's like pleading them to stay, continue loving each other. In the end, they still chose to go on their own ways. So all I can do is sit down and listen (okay, sing along!) to this song.

7. 留下來

I love this song for the same reason: asking Fahrenheit to stay. 留下來 留下來 繼續沒愛完的愛 - these lines always breaks my heart 💔

8. 至少還有我

Of course, inevitable things may happen, and if you feel alone, try listening to this song. They may not be with you in person but at least they're with you thru their song.

9. 小小大人物

The Mickey Mouse song! This song was used as HK Disneyland's theme song around 2008/2009. The melody sounds very fantasy. It makes me want to travel back to childhood whenever I hear this song.

10. 為你存在

Picking the last song is the hardest. I like this song because it's like me telling them that I'll be just here, waiting for their return.

Ugh, I never thought it'd be this hard to choose 10 songs! Before I started, I was doubting I could complete 10, now I think I want to extend it to 15 songs!

Why 10? That's to represent one song per year!

Today marks the 10th year FRH's first album release. This year doesn't feel festive though. I know FRH already celebrated their 10th last December, but for the past 8 years being a fan, Sept 15 is also being celebrated.

Anyway, I can't do anything about that. Maybe I was just sooo outdated that's why I didn't know today's not meant for a celebration.

I'd still celebrate anyway! 🎉

Happy 10th 飛輪海! 🎉🎆🎇🎊

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