
王鶴棣 - 非同小可 (Extremely Important) - 流星花園 2018 OST

By xiaokhat - September 07, 2018

別問我能不能 問題如果太愚蠢
Bie wen wo neng bu neng   Wen ti ru guo tai yun chun 
Do not ask me if i can, if the question is too stupid
Tai di gu wo de tian fen
You're underestimating my talent
我不需要跟風 不需要認證
Wo bu xu yao gen feng   Bu xu yao ren zheng
I don't need to follow the trend, I don't need recognition
Zhe yi lei fu zhi ti shen
This type of imitation
Suo ding le mu biao zhi you yi zhong jie lun
Focus on the target with only one conclusion
Xiang xin zi ji cai shi bi yao jue ze
Believing in yourself is a smart choice
在一邊害怕發楞 還倒不如   對未來直接提問
Zai yi bian hai pa fa leng hai dao bu ru   Dui wei lai zhi jie ti wen
If you are scared on one side, might as well ask about the future
Wo de ming zi ren bu ren de
Do you not recognize my name

Oh 聽好了  我的風格沒有標準
Oh ting hao le   Wo de feng ke mei you biao zhun
Oh listen carefully, my style have no standard
Oh 聽好了  我的獨特非同小可
Oh ting hao le   Wo de du te fei tong xiao ke
Oh listen carefully, my uniqueness is extremely important

Wo de xin nian jiu shi zhang wang pai
My conviction is like the Joker card
Leng jing tu po chong wei kua yue zhang ai
Calmly breaking through the obstacles
Jiu xi huan ying peng ying yi han xun han
I like to meet tough with toughness and tame the brave with braveness
Tiao zhan ge zhong yi wai
Challenge all kinds of accidents
自信造就絢爛 沒點本事激起火花
Zi xin zao jiu xuan luan mei dian ben shi ji qi huo hua
Confidence makes you gorgeous, nothing trigger sparks up
Hai zhen de jia yu bu lai
Still really can't handle it
我是麻煩 也是驚嘆
Wo shi ma fan ye shi jing tan
I am trouble and astounding
在想像外 不斷正反
Zai xiang xiang wai   Bu duan zheng fan
Constantly thinking about it
這種姿態 不愛也難
Zhe zhong zi tai   Bu ai ye nan
This gesture is hard not to love

Oh 聽好了  我的風格沒有標準
Oh ting hao le   Wo de feng ke mei you biao zhun
Oh listen carefully, my style have no standard
Oh 聽好了  我的獨特非同小可
Oh ting hao le   Wo de du te fei tong xiao ke
Oh listen carefully, my uniqueness is extremely important

愛 我是我的限量版
Ai   Wo shi wo de xian liang ban
Love, I am limited edition
Qi shi wo du zhan
I am exclusive
Tai shan yao bie da jing xiao guai
I'm too shiny, don't make a fuss
Rang dao wei wo he cai
Make way, cheer for me

軟弱勿近 膽小那就迴避
Ruan ruo wu jin   Dan xiao na jiu hui bi
The weak doesn't come near, the timid avoid me
Wo jiu shi ai gei zhe shi jie duo dian ci ji
I just love to give the world a little more excitement
狂熱的堅持 像浪花在血液
Kuang re de jian chi   Xiang lang hua zai re xie
Fanatic perseverance is like in the blood
Xiang yu zhou zai xin di zi zai de yun xing
Like the universe running free in my heart
打破所有 封閉 越受挫 越振作
Da po suo you   Feng bi   Yue shou cuo   Yue zhen zuo
Breaking all the blocks, the more setbacks, the more stimulated
從沒想過逃避 很確定
Cong mei xiang guo tao bi   Hen que ding
I never thought I would be that decided to escape
認真展拓格局 同樣敢作的人
Ren zhen zhan ta ge ju   Tong yang gan zuo de ren
Seriously expanding the pattern, the same brave person
Cai hui dong zhe ban wu ju
Will understand what being fearless is
不管現實 多少難題 未完待續
Bu guan xian shi   Duo shao nan ti   Wei wan dai xu
No matter how difficult reality is, it will continue
Liu duan hao ju wei zi ji jie xu
Keep a good show for yourself

Oh 聽好了  我的風格沒有標準
Oh ting hao le   Wo de feng ke mei you biao zhun
Oh listen carefully, my style have no standard
Oh 聽好了  我的獨特非同小可
Oh ting hao le   Wo de du te fei tong xiao ke
Oh listen carefully, my uniqueness is extremely important

pinyin lyrics and translation by me

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